Our Mission

Our mission is to help mothers with the material things they need after they deliver their babies so they will give future children life. We help mothers that have no support for their babies and older children with donations and the love of our community.

The independent charity, St. Mary’s Center For Life, was designed to help women, as many in the area face economic hardships. 

“This last year we helped 252 kids with clothes.” 

“We also have given out about 100 or more winter coats.”

We are located in the St. Mary of the Cataract Parish

Neumann Center

Our organization works through local social workers from the area’s agencies, including hospitals and shelters. We have also partnered with local houses of worship.  Help is by appointment only based on the referral that we receive.

Support offered includes clothing, baby items, diapers, dishes, other household items, and furniture, such as youth beds. We also provide winter snowsuits and jackets for the children.

Volunteers Needed

For the past ten years Chuck and Mary Ann Vacanti have volunteered their time and talent to offer this service.

“There are a lot of wonderful people in our community that don’t mind helping if they know there’s a need,” “None of this would be possible without the support of our faith community. We function strictly by donations, and we are all volunteers.”

If you can help, please call the Church Office and leave your contact information. 

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